My system, Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0, is the ultimate, 90-day, skinny-to-jacked transformation bible.
Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0 is specifically designed for:
● Guys that are struggling to gain mass
● Skinny or smaller guys that want to look bigger
● Beginners looking to add muscle but aren’t sure where to start
● And anyone that has ever tried to pack on muscle and not seen results
My proven system is packed with practical information that anyone can understand–so don’t worry if you aren’t fluent in Latin.
● Skinny or smaller guys that want to look bigger
● Beginners looking to add muscle but aren’t sure where to start
● And anyone that has ever tried to pack on muscle and not seen results
My proven system is packed with practical information that anyone can understand–so don’t worry if you aren’t fluent in Latin.
Muscle Gaining Secrets 2.0 is short on scientific jargon, and long on
down-to-earth, muscle building facts and straightforward instructions to
help you, fellow hardgainer, in your quest to realize your true
jacked-up potential.
Kyle Gained 21 Pounds of Muscle
I can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for me. My entire
life has moved on to the next level and I feel like I owe it all to you.
You’ve provided me with so much determination it can’t be expressed in
words. I gained 21 lbs of mass and lost an equal amount of body-fat
using your program!”Kyle Matthews
Geoff Gained 14 Pounds of Muscle
in the best shape of my life, because of your program. My goals: be
about 210 but jacked and chiseled, able to deadlift 550, squat 400, and
do a body-up or one armed pull up. Currently I deadlift around 490 &
squat 405. Before picture is how I have looked for the last 4 years.
After picture is due to Muscle Gaining Secrets.”Geoff C. Morehart
Steve Gained 10 Pounds of Muscle
really thought i knew everything about building muscle and gaining
weight, I read every muscle magazine, and followed every stupid strength
training phase that they invented. After giving myself a good slap for
what an ass I had been I got into Jason Ferruggia’s Muscle Gaining
Secrets. The results speak for themselves.”Steve Pharr
More details in: Muscle Gaining Secrets
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